This is the story of a Franco-Belgian bank, Dexia, whose primary mission is to finance the general interest by lending to local authorities. Its leaders, ambitious, are quickly caught up in the whirlwind of global finance and they take more and more risks. They even flood France with toxic loans that will weigh down, for years, municipalities or hospitals. On 2008, the subprime crisis rocks Dexia. For the moment, the Dexia scandal cost 20 billion euros to France and Belgium. Nobody knows what's in the belly of the bank and maybe the taxpayers will have to put their hands in the wallet. So, What happened ? The Belgian and French states did not seek to determine the responsibilities of this crash. It looks like the Dexia case, it's nobody's fault. Or, it's all our fault.
Alain de Halleux and Catherine Le Gall
Production :
Associate production: Point of day
Co-production and line production Belgium: Novak Prod
With the support of France 5 and RTBF
Diffusion :
RTBF - The A the 14 .09.16 at 10 p.m