Salvatore Bellomo works as a security guard in Brussels. He will soon be sixty. Who would believe that behind this uniform hides The Wldman ? Pendant 30 My name is Alan, he traveled the world, he was part of the WWF (World Wrestling Federation) and wrestled in the USA with the greatest. The evening, after work, he goes to one of the schools he has created to pass on his experience and his passion. Some of his students are already stepping into the ring. The public acclaims them, recognize them : The Gigolo, Tarzan, Andynamite, Eddie Dark, Rabies,… Today Salvatore is suffering from cancer. He will have to start treatment and fight another fight but before he decided to take his best students to the USA, in the footsteps of its past. Ensemble, they will go back in time to better dream of tomorrow.
Director :
Xavier Seron and Cédéric Bourgeois
Production :
Executive Producer : Novak Prod
Co: Off World (Be)
With development assistance of the Federation Wallonia- Brussels and Voo, CBA and RTBF, VAF, VRT-Canevas
Festivals :
Be Film Festival 2013 - Festival Inter. of the Grolandais Film of Toulouse 2014
Diffusion :
6 August 14 at 9:05 p.m. on La RTBF La 3 in "Window on Docs".