Eye Brazil ("The eye of Brazil") tells the surprising adventure of Joannie, Laurent, Augustine and Antonio : four visually impaired supporters cheering on the Red Devils during the World Cup in Brazil ! On the spot, it is Jean-Marc who describes to them everything that is happening, on and off the pitch, through audio description. This adventure which represents a real challenge for them, allows them to share their passion with the rest of the country while providing a new perspective on their disability.
Written and directed by :
Alban Herinckx and Gilles Chatelain
Joannie Bovy Defays - Antonio Pingitore - Augustin Hazard - Laurent Victoor - Paraskeva Argyropoulos - Jean Marc Streel
Preview - 10 December 2014 - Uccle Cultural Center (Belgium)
Novak Prod (BE) - AWOF (BE) - ASBL HOUSE (BE) - Documentary Unit / RTBF - KisKisBanKBank - Kaplan (BE).